Joining PFLAG Greater Placer County

JoinContact Information:

Voice Mail:

(916) 863 9622

[Messages are checked daily]

Mailing Address:

2280 Grass Valley Hwy.

# 293,

Auburn, CA. 95603

Email Address:

PFLAG National:

We invite you to become a member of our local chapter of PFLAG. When you join, you help PFLAG Greater Placer County provide resources and support to gay, lesbian, bisexual and transgender people and their families and friends in our community. 

For mailing by check, click here for the form to mail with the check.

Membership in PFLAG Greater Placer County is optional. Everyone is welcome at our meetings whether they are dues paying members or not. We are however a member-supported organization, and your dues help us to provide support.   A portion of your membership dues is also forwarded to PFLAG National to support national operations.

All contributions are tax deductible.

Make checks payable to PFLAG Greater Placer County.

Print and mail the completed form and check to:  

PFLAG Greater Placer County, 2280 Grass Valley Hwy., #292, Auburn, CA. 95603